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Get Creative with Camelina Recipe Contest

Get Creative with Camelina Recipe Contest

We are launching a recipe contest that starts February 10th, and ends March 15th, 2015! This is your opportunity to show us how you incorporate Three Farmers Camelina Oil into your cooking! All you have to do is send in your recipe using our Three Famers Camelina Oil to: Please be sure to include: Your recipe A picture of your completed dish Your First and Last Name Your Town/City/Province We will be selecting a winner from the submitted recipes and the winning recipe will receive a Trio Pack of 100ML Three Farmers Camelina Oil and a bag of each...

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Keeping Your Heart Healthy with Camelina Oil

Keeping Your Heart Healthy with Camelina Oil

We hear from customers all the time that they love our Three Farmers Camelina Oil because of its flavour, versatility, and its wonderful health benefits. With February being Heart and Stroke Month it’s worth discussing exactly what it is that makes camelina oil heart healthy. One of the health benefits of camelina oil in particular is that its a great source of Omega 3 polyunsaturates. Omega 3’s have gained a lot of attention in the health and wellness world because this is type of fat we don’t need to cut back on in our diets. Our bodies need Omega 3...

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Camelina Oil Reaches Tipping Point

Camelina Oil Reaches Tipping Point

Camelina Oil at its Tipping Point - Canada’s Culinary Super Oil Reaches Widespread Appeal As a Staple in Kitchens and Restaurants Across the Country. January 21st, 2015: Saskatoon, SK - Camelina oil has officially reached its tipping point and mass appeal, no longer being the best kept secret in oil as news of its amazing health benefits and great taste are spreading like wildfire. It has already been referred to as one of the top 2015 Health Trends by the Canadian Health Food Association which is the country's biggest trade association for the natural health industry. Not just on shelves...

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Saskatoon Food Bank & Learning Centre Donation 2014

Saskatoon Food Bank & Learning Centre Donation 2014

We finished up our 2014 corporate gifting campaign and as mentioned previously, a portion of the proceeds from the sale of every gift set (on sale until January 15th) was donated to the Saskatoon Food Bank & Learning Centre. Three Farmers are proud to have donated $2,000 to the Saskatoon Food Bank & Learning Centre and as PotashCorp generously has doubled donations to Saskatchewan food banks, that means our donation has now reached $4,000. Thank you to everyone for their purchase of a gift set for your business contacts, client, family, and friends and for sharing the gift of healthy,...

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